After the Color Run (did I mention this was a super busy weekend?) we headed out for Sofia's 2nd Birthday Party. The decorations were so cute for her duck party!

Presents! Love her birthday shirt!!
Then we headed out for the piñata. Remember how cold the run was that morning? Well, it wasn't any warmer that afternoon!!
This piñata was literally un-breakable! Even the grown ups took swings at it. The stick broke before it did! Lol!
The kids were cold and tired of waiting - so we gave in and dumped it! Notice how Elena is the last one still there collecting candy. What a sweet tooth she has!
Cake time!
It was a fun, fun party and I just can't believe Miss Sofia is 2!!
You know it was a good party when you pass out by the end of it! ;)
Happy 2nd Birthday Sofia!
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