This year for Memorial Weekend we got to spend time at the lake with some good friends. But before we went we wanted to pay tribute to my Grandparents like we do every year. This is the real reason for Memorial Day and I want to make sure that Elena understands what this holiday is really about! No matter how many times I have been to the cemetery on this day the beauty of seeing all the flags flying always amazes me. It really is breathtaking. We picked up some pretty red, white and blue flowers and headed out to decorate my Grandparent's grave. 

We also put some on my Aunt's grave as well - she always loved coming here on this holiday. She would have been very happy with the patriotic flower choice.
Each large flag is flying in honor of a US Veteran and their name is on that flag. We were able to track down my Grandfather's flag, Dominic Martelli, but couldn't find my Grandmother's flag. We found out that the flag was damaged last Memorial day in a wind storm and needs to be replaced. :( I wish they would have contacted us sooner because we definitely would have had a replacement out there so that her flag could fly today too. Next year I will definitely have a picture of both of their flags!
Later that day we decided to cool off in the pool ~
Sarah brought Jack over for his first introduction to the pool! As you can see below - he is not yet a fan! :)

Lindsay also came over and relaxed and swam too. Ahh, relaxing on a float in the pool - one of my favorite things to do in the summer!
For some reason, Robert bought Elena some fake mustaches to play with. We tried them out as we headed over to hang out with our friends Kylie and Brady later that evening. It was pretty hilarious! We were laughing so hard Robert and I were pretty much in tears!
Lilah and Elena were pretty darn hilarious too! :)
The funny thing about the mustaches was that Robert didn't even look like he was wearing a fake one! Ha ha ha!

I think the adults had just as much (if not more!) fun with them than the kiddos did! :)
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