
8 months!

I just can't believe how fast this little guy is growing! I am already thinking about his 1st birthday party and that is just crazy to me!!! What has my big 8 month old been up to this past month?
Crawling and crawling and more crawling. He is on the move, everywhere, all the time! Once he got that down there was no looking back!
The main place he likes to crawl to? The bathroom, specifically the bathtub. Finally I just put him in there to play with the toys and he would stay in there all day I think. Very convenient when I am getting ready for work though!
He must love it because he loves taking baths too. He loves the water and would stay in for hours! If Elena is in the bath he does everything he can to try and get in with her. 
He has also mastered pulling up! I'm afraid this kid is going to figure out standing and walking way to quick for my liking! This was the first time that he did it on his own - I thought is was cute he was kneeling at the dishwasher so I grabbed my camera and he suddenly stood right up!
  He still loves listening to music - it is so cute he has started bouncing up and down and dancing to it, especially when we sing. His favorite song is Jesus Loves Me - he will stop anything that he is doing and start smiling when we sing it to him.
He is not a ''little'' guy - most people think he is at least 2 months older than he really is! He is right at about 23 pounds and I'm not sure about the length - we will find out next month at his 9 month check-up!
His new thing is making this constant motor boat sound. Seriously - constant. I got a short video of it  to give you an idea...
 He has 2 teeth coming in on the bottom!!! This was a bit surprising since Elena didn't even get her first one until 11 months!
With those two teeth he seems to be getting pretty confident in his eating skills (or maybe mommy does!) he has been eating pretty much what we eat just smushed up versions. His favorites? Refried beans, any kind of potato and green beans. Oh and chocolate ice cream - we have Grandpa to thank for that one! ;) It is amazing how differently we are with him vs Elena - she had never had anything but baby food at this age! :) Let's just say there will not be any issues with him not digging into his smash cake on his b-day!
His other favorite thing to eat is Gerber puffs. Sweet potato and banana flavored to be exact!  
He loves to be outside. Thankfully it seems as though it is finally going to start warming up and we are going to be outside all the time when it does!
He has said his first word.....drum roll please....."Mama"! Yay! Although he says it for pretty much everything, not just in reference to me! Ha! That is ok though, I will take it. And I just love hearing my name come out of that sweet little mouth!
Happy 8 months my little man!

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