
Low key.

That pretty much describes how this past few days have been. I haven't been posting a lot because we haven't really been doing that much! We did manage to get down to the park one day that it was slightly warmer this past week. Elena tackled the slide a few times~

I decided to break out Candy Land to see how Elena would do~

She had fun but actually 'playing' the game by the rules lasted about 3 minutes! :)

Elena thinks its fun to put on all her necklaces at once and spin around and around in her room!

This weekend Elena taught Grandma how to play her video game (she will be passing my parents up in the electronics department in no time - probably me too for that matter!)

She insisted that Grandma bake cookies with her. When I say insist I mean begged, whined and almost broke down into a tantrum because she wanted cookies sooo bad. I think my mom and I may have officially created a monster! A cookie dough monster that is!

We had a low key, laid back, relaxing weekend. Sometimes it is nice to have some of those!

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