With all the crazy blizzard of Oz and snow days I lost track that Dominic turned 7 months on the 24th! Time is just flying by and this little man is growing up so fast! This past month he has learned lots of new things!
He has discovered his hands and feet and looks and stares at them and moves them around.
He has discovered his hands and feet and looks and stares at them and moves them around.
He almost has the whole crawling thing down - he is up on all fours and rocking away but he just can't seem to get his knees going forward. I'm sure that will be a milestone he reaches very soon!
He loves food! We have started mashing up some of what we have on our plates and he loves anything and everything that we have given him so far! His favorites? Definitely beans and chicken noodle soup!
Last doctor's appointment - which is now about a month ago! He weighed in at 20.5 pounds (85th percentile) and 28'' long (90th percentile). He seems to be slowing down on that crazy fast growing! (For now at least)
Last doctor's appointment - which is now about a month ago! He weighed in at 20.5 pounds (85th percentile) and 28'' long (90th percentile). He seems to be slowing down on that crazy fast growing! (For now at least)
He has really been a great sleeper this past month, but that suddenly changed the past week. He was going to bed at about 8pm or so and sleeping til around 7am, then he would take about 3 naps a day. Lately he wakes up starving at 5am! I'm hoping this is just a growth spurt and he will grow out of it but we will see!
He has learned how to scream! I blame his sister for that one! :) He will yell and yell and yell, loudly too! If you do it back to him he keeps going. Hard to believe but I think he may be even louder than his sister! Yikes!
I can already tell that he is going to have an onery side to him in his personality! Just like his Daddy and Sister!
He has learned how to scream! I blame his sister for that one! :) He will yell and yell and yell, loudly too! If you do it back to him he keeps going. Hard to believe but I think he may be even louder than his sister! Yikes!
I can already tell that he is going to have an onery side to him in his personality! Just like his Daddy and Sister!
He still really loves music and he does not discriminate. Country, Rap, Oldies, Classical, you can play anything and he loves listening to it.

Though he loves all his family members he seems to really be a mama's boy (which I definitely love!) I'm sure that will soon shift to Daddy once he gets older!
Though he loves all his family members he seems to really be a mama's boy (which I definitely love!) I'm sure that will soon shift to Daddy once he gets older!
He was introduced to snow for the first time this week and he just loves it!
The monthly photos are getting a little harder to take already - check out this little man ready to go!
The monthly photos are getting a little harder to take already - check out this little man ready to go!
Elena also usually wants in on at least a picture or two when I'm taking them. This time I don't think Dominic felt like sharing the spotlight! :)
He is a very happy and content little guy. We have to shuffle him around with our busy schedules and he has no problem with it.
He loves people, not just his family, but anyone that will look at him and smile. When we are out and about he will just look at people until they look over at him and then he will flash them his big chubby cheek smile.
*photo courtesy of Miss Elena - good job Big Sis!
*photo courtesy of Miss Elena - good job Big Sis!
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