This weekend Elena, my Mom and I took a trip to Missouri to visit my Aunt Marge and Uncle Jim. It was so great to spend time with them and have a nice relaxing weekend.
We cooked~
read some books ~
played games, and enjoyed eachother's company.
Of course we had to take a sprinkler for Elena - heaven forbid she start having water withdrawals! ;) (much better view to look at than from our house too!)
Grandma and mama even had some fun in the water too!
The Pickett's have the greatest deck, with an amazing and peaceful view. When we move into another house I am going to demand a screened in porch! This was so great - we ate every meal out here! Loved it!!
My cousin Chris is a cook at a restaurant in town and we went there for breakfast. He surprised Elena with a fun pancake! She thought it was about the coolest thing ever!
She even tried to lean in for a hug from Mickey. :)
Another funny thing is that instead of Chris - Elena would say Christmas for his name! Pretty hilarious that she would think of that - I can't remember the last time she even heard the word Christmas! lol.
Marge and Jim have a great garden with lots of fruits and veggies. We picked out a yummy cantaloupe to take home with us.
It managed to sneak into some family pictures! I don't think we even realized it was in the pictures, I guess no one thought to just set it down.
Elena did great on the car ride, until the last 20 min or so from home and then she was ready to be out! At one point she was taking a nap and fell asleep with her monkey on her head!! Couldn't resist taking a picture!!
Thanks for everything Marge and Jim and we can't wait to come back for another visit!! We love you very much!
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