Then we started carving away and she thought the pumpkin 'guts' were pretty funny feeling!
The funny thing about these next two pictures is that Robert and I were totally not posing in these~this is how focused we were in carving our pumpkins! :)
While Robert had to get fancy and make a person in bed scared of (what else) a Longhorn!

I think Elena was pretty happy with her "e"!

I think Elena was pretty happy with her "e"!
We played with the pumpkins for a while and then the trick or treaters started coming by.
Elena was pretty confused as to why Daddy was giving them stuff but she didn't care as long as everyone said hi and played with her!
I'm pretty sure she is pointing and laughing at a tombstone! What a goober!
She looked up at our neighbor like "what am I supposed to do with this" when he set down the candy bowl for her.
In fact, she tried to put her candy into his bowl~ too funny! Then she got the hang of it and took hand fulls out to put in her pumpkin!
Very sweet little lady you guys have. Cherish these times, soon you'll have a full-blown kid on your hands!