
11 months.

It is just so hard to believe that Mr. Man turned 11 months old yesterday!! He seems to have grown up so much this past month. He is losing some of his baby face a little and looking more like a little boy than a baby!
He has been standing very well on his own and even did it for a couple minutes! 
He loves to push things and walk behind them - and he gets so excited when he does it!
He has even taken a step or two but nothing more than that. I am armed with the video camera and ready when he decides to take off! I have a feeling he will be walking in the next couple weeks!
He has gotten several more teeth this month. There had been two on the bottom, now there are two on the top and another two starting to peek through on the bottom too! (This is way before E, she had just gotten her first tooth at 11 months!)
His hair is also getting pretty shaggy, but I think it is so cute on him! We are definitely going to hold off on cutting it until after his birthday.
He has a little bit of a temper - (already??) he will get mad if he doesn't get what he wants and he  throws his arms down in disgust and start bawling!
He has a new found love for cars and trucks, we got out some of Elena's old Hot Wheels and he is loving them.
 He is still obsessed with balls - literally any kind of ball he loves and immediately tries to throw it and wants to play catch.
He loves waving hi to pretty much any and everyone. If we are in a public place he is usually waving at people or will stare at them until they look at him and then give them a big smile and wave. He is definitely a people person!
He says Ma-ma, Da-da and Ba-Ba. We think ba-ba it is for bottle, but I will randomly here him saying ba ba ba ba, so who knows. :)
Every single person comments on those big squeezable cheeks! I am so going to miss them when he grows out of them someday. But for now I will just keep kissing and squeezing them!
 He is such a little water baby (though the last two baths he has not been happy about - strange). He loves water and is all over the pool at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He spends a lot of time with Big Sis in there now that the weather is so hot.
He is a very loud baby. He will just jabber and jabber and jabber. If you say ahhh to him he will do it back and forth with you and continue to get louder and louder. (I have to stop him and Elena frequently on that one! Ha!)
Speaking of Big Sister he absolutely adores her. Watches every single move she makes and wants to do whatever she is doing. It is very sweet.
He is so sweet, smiles pretty much all the time (don't get me wrong he has his moments!) but he is so awesome to be around because he is so darn happy! I love it!
He loves to play peek-a-boo - it is the cutest thing ever. I of course had to get this on video --
These monthly pictures are getting harder and harder to take (he almost jumped off the couch at least 3 times!) but its ok because I think he is ready to be done with the monthly photo shoots anyways -
I just can't believe he is almost ONE!!! I am more than excited for his big Beach Ball Birthday bash next month! Balls and water - pretty much his two favorite things! Party planning is in full effect! :)

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